
Qwerky411 t1_iydt1m9 wrote

What would stop me from using a 6s is the fact that it’s no longer getting security updates. Sure, you’re unlikely to be hit with the nasty stuff unless you’re a person of importance/annoyance to power. But once the cat is out of the bag, typical hackers can start looking into how to do the same. You don’t have to throw your 6s away but I think your overall experience would be better. Even a new battery won’t fix the fact that Apple isn’t going to be sending out (very many) bug and security fixes to your device. At the very least, you could use your 6s at home as a music player or photo album or whatever.


Qwerky411 t1_iycwgvo wrote

If you do find it, don’t try to use it without replacing the battery. They’re not meant to be frozen. You might find that the cells are destroyed and your total capacity is a fraction of what it was. Not to mention lead to other hazards.


Qwerky411 t1_iu3qqlj wrote

I pay for AppleCare+ for my iPad Air and my Apple Watch on a monthly basis. Like all insurance, it’s worth it only if you ever need it. Chris Rock once made a joke saying that they should call insurance “in case shit” because it’s only good in case shit happens. The only Apple product I’ve needed to use AC+ on was my Series 3. I ended up getting a new/refurbished watch, no damage and new battery. That was in June of 2020, 2 years after getting my watch. And then I traded in the Series 3 last year for a Series 6 and got a full value trade-in. Which I obviously wouldn’t have gotten if I didn’t have a working watch to trade in.