RBTropical t1_jdrg6w8 wrote
Reply to Should I trade my PC for a PS5? by [deleted]
“A bit higher”
Your PC is a 6 core, PS5 is 8 core. GPU on a PS5 is 6800 class. The PS5 is higher spec, however…
Optimisation is irrelevant if you’re running an AMD GPU, even with Hogwarts legacy the game ran fine. A PS5 is identical hardware wise to a PC, optimisation issues vs consoles are usually more relevant to nVidia users.
Most PS5 exclusives are on PC. You have no reason to swap .
RBTropical t1_jdqmpf5 wrote
Reply to comment by New_Ad_7804 in Why its the same by KETZALCOATL_bird
Adaptive haptic triggers? USB controller function for PC? Bluetooth support? Li-Po battery support? 3.5mm headset support?
The PS controller got a trackpad no one uses during that time. Are you seriously trying to claim either has gained major, groundbreaking features?
There’s a reason most PC players use an Xbox controller bud.
RBTropical t1_jdqlyt5 wrote
Reply to comment by New_Ad_7804 in Why its the same by KETZALCOATL_bird
Yes, and look at the changes between 360 and Series X. Quite a few… if you hold the two it’s very clear they’re different shapes, and that’s before you factor in charging port, texture changes, trigger changes, different D pad etc etc. Battery bulge gone too.
Helps that the PS3 controller was a poor design and the 360 wasn’t - less to change
RBTropical t1_jdn7hbe wrote
Reply to Why its the same by KETZALCOATL_bird
It’s literally not though? Got a big redesign for the Xbox One as well as a revamp for the release of the Xbox One S. Few minor tweaks for Series X and a new button + upgrade to USB C.
Meanwhile Sony controllers were identical PS1-3 with only small changes for PS4…
RBTropical t1_jc25riw wrote
Get a PC instead. You save money in the long term and get both Xbox and PS5 games
RBTropical t1_jblk9yt wrote
Reply to comment by Gullible_Cricket8496 in people who own both an Xbox and Playstation which console do you play more? and what would you say the percentage is? by NATE24OB
PC has 99% of the exclusives these days
RBTropical t1_jamgpwu wrote
Reply to comment by New-Credit-3955 in Price of second-hand ps4 slim in 2023 by Amat_csay
Yeah good luck with that 😂
RBTropical t1_jam9qnt wrote
Reply to comment by TheBloatingofIsaac in 🤷 by QuatronXD
And now look at marketshare of the consoles. How many people actually have a Series X?
Most of the GPUs you reference would’ve likely been bought when the PS4 was the main console, making them significantly more powerful than the main console available at the time.
This is the point you miss - we’re just two years in and are already about to hit price parity. In 2 more years the mainstream mid tier GPU will be significantly more powerful and a build will cost less.
The steam survey is also heavily influenced by price scalping caused during COVID/the mining boom. Consoles were hit by the same thing, but people are only given one option.
RBTropical t1_jam1ws5 wrote
Reply to comment by brandonsp111 in 🤷 by QuatronXD
“Any game from any year designed for those platforms” yeah, slight problem there. A PC from 2017 can play current games. Can a One X? Nope. A PC from 2023 can play a game from 2013. Can a PS5? Nope. There goes that point. 🙈
Dude, you really aren’t getting this. A console IS a PC. You can spend the same amount now on a PC as a console and get THE SAME LONGEVITY. A console doesn’t miraculously have tonnes more power because it’s a console - the reason the OG Xbox One was able to play new games in 2020 is because the settings were far lower than the games it ran in 2013. You can do this on a PC too… in fact, you have more control over HOW you do this. A PC from 2021 with the same specs as an Xbox One can play Halo Infinite at the same quality. There goes that point.
“Sweaty fat kit” - and here come the personal attacks and petty comments. Clear sign your argument is falling apart if you can’t actually stick to the point.
“9/10 times PCs only have better graphical options” - you’ve never used a PC, have you? You can still set games to 640x480 buddy. There goes that argument. The point isn’t that consoles are weaker than PCs - it’s that the value gets worse. Both Microsoft and Sony have increased the price of their systems but PC hardware has gone down. Eventually you get to the point where better hardware on PC is actually cheaper. Why even buy a console at this point?
“Free Walmart service and cheaters” - wow. You know there’s cheaters on console too right? And you know we use the same servers you do as most are provided by the game devs? 🤦🏻♂️
“Backwards compatibility is another debate entirely” - no it isn’t, you just don’t want to prove how badly you’d lose that argument.
PC wasn’t the worst platform hahaha - now you’re just resorting to making up shit? It’s pretty well known that the Xbox One and PS4 were by far the worst platforms the game launched on. But please, underline every embarrassing point which destabilises your argument with a lie - makes them easy to spot. I guess you lied here because the fact the PS4 Pro and One X struggled so much would collapse your whole argument about “$400 once a decade” when they couldn’t manage a game 3 years after launch. What about the fact that a version of the game which actually used the extra PS5/Series X power you paid for took a year to come out?
“It’s always muh PC has better graphics” - dude my entire argument has been about consoles just being PCs and PCs being a better value at the same price with cheaper games and free online. I get you want to argue graphics as it’s an easy point to dismiss, but I’ve literally never mentioned that? It’s crazy how many weak strategies you’re trying here.
When was I telling you to quit having fun? You were the dude calling people enjoying PCs losers and sweaty fat kids 😂
“Shaming people for having consoles? Really?” Followed by “you sweaty fat boys in your mum’s basement”. I didn’t even know people could lack this much self awareness. You criticise me “shaming consoles” (which I never did, just pointed out they ARE PCs these days and PCs can save you money) and you proceed to shame and attack what you perceive to be PC gamers. Amazing, honestly. Especially when you follow up with “we contribute to society and you need hygiene products”
Truly amazing you spent an entire paragraph shitting and shaming on people and criticised what you perceived to be someone doing it themselves.
The fact you made this into an emotion-fuelled rant about society and hygiene suggests I touched a nerve? Maybe you should investigate that in therapy, possibly subconsciously you wish you could afford a PC and my comments are making you realise you could’ve, but didn’t do your research? And instead of accepting that, you go out and personally attack a group of gamers. I hope you get help.
RBTropical t1_jalzt9d wrote
RBTropical t1_jalzogi wrote
Reply to comment by TheBloatingofIsaac in 🤷 by QuatronXD
Yes, it does. The Series X is the highest end platform and it has a 3700x with a 6800 equivalent. The card you named is a midrange one two generations old, and the CPU is too generations old too. So yes, it has lower specs.
RBTropical t1_jalzo73 wrote
Reply to comment by TheBloatingofIsaac in 🤷 by QuatronXD
Yes, it does. The Series X is the highest end platform and it has a 3700x with a 6800 equivalent. The card you named is a midrange one two generations old, and the CPU is too generations old too. So yes, it has lower specs.
RBTropical t1_jalzgpt wrote
Reply to comment by xNaughtyJulia in 🤷 by QuatronXD
Stop posting the same misinformed nonsense and actually read my responses. There isn’t any “optimisation” really needed these days, consoles ARE PCs. That’s why lately this hasn’t really been talked about, and you’ve only revived this because of Hogwarts Legacy. Yawn.
But please, go enjoy your smooth 900p25 game and tell me it’s “optimised”.
RBTropical t1_jalza52 wrote
Reply to comment by xNaughtyJulia in 🤷 by QuatronXD
Again, that’s literally one game. Check out MW2, it actually runs better on AMD GPUs because CONSOLES ARE PCs.
Most ports don’t need to be optimised any more because the console hardware is the same. Again, this isn’t the PS3/360 generation buddy. You kinda just proved you didn’t read my post.
You go play games at upscaled 900p25 buddy, but keep talking to me about “optimisation” 🤦🏻♂️
RBTropical t1_jajzial wrote
Reply to comment by MrAVAT4R_2 in 🤷 by QuatronXD
- Probably because Live costs money and you’re cost sensitive
- I don’t know what your currency is, I’m just comparing to console
- You can get an extremely cheap PC which can outperform this
- Look up junkman builds. Some people buy old Dell workstation PCs that offices are just throwing out and chuck in a GPU. If you get a good enough deal, all of a sudden you could’ve spent $200-250 and you’re at Series X performance, Series S for sure.
RBTropical t1_jajxohc wrote
Reply to comment by brandonsp111 in 🤷 by QuatronXD
Dude, why is every line a question? What you said makes no sense again too, and why the comparison with a $1500 PC?
Yes, all PCs aren’t the same. All Xboxs aren’t either - the S and X. The Series X is literally just a custom 3700x with a 6800. You can get these parts for $300-400, and the rest of the parts are cheap. You save £70 a year on Live and games are cheaper. This will pretty much match the console. There isn’t custom hardware any more, this isn’t the 360/PS3 gen.
So you’re saving £70 a year on Live, £20 per game maybe too. But guess what? As the generation progresses, these parts get even cheaper. We’re pretty much at the crossover already where consoles have poor value.
So what happens to your games when they become more resource intensive? You’re right, every PS5 is the same. So every PS5 is forced to turn down the quality of the game and you can’t change that or even upgrade. PC? New GPU, all while keeping full backwards compatibility and free online.
So no, you’re still an idiot and yes, what he said still makes no sense. Yes, all games have different minimum requirements. Do you not remember some consoles playing Cyberpunk poorly? The difference here is when this happens, you can upgrade a PC. A console? Accept the graphics or spend another $500.
This is why PC gamers laugh at you. You’re a PC gamer too, except you’re forced to pay more for games, the same amount for the system, have worse graphics AND you pay for online.
RBTropical t1_jajx36t wrote
Reply to comment by MrAVAT4R_2 in 🤷 by QuatronXD
Dude, an Xbox Series X is literally just a custom 3700x with a 6800. It’s running a modified version of Windows. There’s nothing special or different in there, this isn’t the 360/PS3 generation.
If you have a PC that exceeds these specs, it will outperform the console full stop. You don’t need “500 liquid cooling and a 500 GPU”. You can literally get a 3800x for £100 and a used 6800 for £200-300. The PC is barely more money with storage and a motherboard etc but saves £70 a year on Live + cheaper games.
RBTropical t1_jajui8l wrote
Reply to comment by MrAVAT4R_2 in 🤷 by QuatronXD
Sounds like your PC is broken buddy, or the settings aren’t as low as what the console’s are
RBTropical t1_jajqpne wrote
Reply to comment by MrAVAT4R_2 in 🤷 by QuatronXD
Dude, even if you don’t meet the specs the PC would still outperform a console with lower specs
RBTropical t1_jajqoz3 wrote
Reply to comment by MrAVAT4R_2 in 🤷 by QuatronXD
Dude, even if you don’t meet the specs the PC would still outperform a console because the console has lower specs
RBTropical t1_jajqn9y wrote
Reply to comment by brandonsp111 in 🤷 by QuatronXD
That’s because what he said wasn’t facts at all
RBTropical t1_jajqgek wrote
RBTropical t1_jajq9f8 wrote
“Console gamers when they realise their system was a midrange PC 2 years ago, and you can now build a PC which beats it for similar money, with free online, full backwards compatibility and cheaper games”
Seriously these memes get old when you can build a £500-600 PC which beats the console and saves you £70 a year online and £20-30 for every game.
RBTropical t1_ja7m48g wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Finally picked up a new gen console, Im more disappointed than anything. by [deleted]
Then you don’t need a console.
RBTropical t1_jdrl80t wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Should I trade my PC for a PS5? by [deleted]
Sorry, but you’re completely incorrect. These aren’t “cut down” chips - the performance is equivalent to a 3700x and a 6800 when factoring in lower overheads. The 2 cores and 4 threads are crucial - a 5600 might have a better single core speed but as more games are released solely for these new consoles, the missing cores will age poorly. Compare the FPS at the same settings.
The PS5 doesn’t lock the FPS better. It has more performance than your estimates. You are wrong.
Upgrade your PC if you’re unhappy with the performance, or else you’d also have to re buy all your games and pay for online.