RRH12345 OP t1_ixop037 wrote
Reply to comment by Opus_Zure in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you! I appreciate it:)
RRH12345 OP t1_ixoown4 wrote
Reply to comment by WombatMcGeez in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you!
RRH12345 OP t1_ixoopaq wrote
Reply to comment by insertcleverthought in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you!! I honestly have one tiny allclad pan I got at a thrift store and have no clue what series it is
RRH12345 OP t1_ixn408b wrote
Reply to comment by Mr-Macphisto in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you!
RRH12345 OP t1_ixmsb8t wrote
Reply to comment by Alosha_13 in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you!
RRH12345 OP t1_ixms8p0 wrote
Reply to comment by suckmydicktonight in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you!
RRH12345 t1_ixmrqug wrote
RRH12345 OP t1_ixky6jt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
I’m not, they look killer. It’s just a cost thing. A relative wants to buy me a set and I’m already feeling overwhelmed and guilty bc of the cost of the d3 or d5.
RRH12345 OP t1_ixkt481 wrote
Reply to comment by hraath in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you!
RRH12345 OP t1_ixkt2y7 wrote
Reply to comment by thefishhawk1 in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Good to know! I’ll look into that!
RRH12345 t1_ixkpr0i wrote
RRH12345 OP t1_ixkp6n8 wrote
Reply to comment by the-furry in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you!
RRH12345 OP t1_ixklb9e wrote
Reply to comment by kosnarf in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you!
RRH12345 t1_ixkhjaj wrote
Reply to comment by CasuallyCompetitive in Just bought an All-Clad D5 Stainless Steel frying pan for the first time. Just cooked eggs in it and they slid right out. Wish us luck! by femifist26
Thank you so much for the info and video. I love America’s Test Kitchen!
RRH12345 OP t1_ixkh6ia wrote
Reply to comment by cherlin in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you!
RRH12345 OP t1_ixkh5lv wrote
Reply to comment by sibat7 in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
RRH12345 OP t1_ixkh4ei wrote
Reply to comment by kosnarf in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
RRH12345 OP t1_ixkh3k2 wrote
Reply to comment by SelfApothecium in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
RRH12345 t1_ixkdi68 wrote
Reply to comment by lastinglovehandles in Just bought an All-Clad D5 Stainless Steel frying pan for the first time. Just cooked eggs in it and they slid right out. Wish us luck! by femifist26
Do you have an opinion on the D3 vs D5? I’m a home cook. TIA!
RRH12345 OP t1_iyau1ke wrote
Reply to comment by Electronic_Goose_584 in Asking for All-Clad for Christmas. D3 or D5 as a home cook? by RRH12345
Thank you!