
RUS12389 t1_j1tea65 wrote

>. He was selected by Squad Zero to replace the Soul King should anything happen to him (which is interesting, I’ll give it that, but also means Ichigo is OP as all get out).

He's not the only one.>!Even Ginjo could act as a replacement, moreover you can even create an artificial replacement like Hikone.!< And he was only selected as emergency battery.

>He was engineered by Aizen and then closely watched and manipulated for his purposes

Don't see how that make's him a chosen one or destined. It's not chosen by destiny or fate. It's just villain watching over him.

>He’s the last scion of Shiba, a cursed Noble family, who are supposed to have a destiny in saving the universe

  1. "last scion of Shiba" Ganju and Kuukaku
  2. "supposed to have a destiny in saving the universe" was never stated anything like that in the manga or novels.

Moreover, in Bleach's universe there already exists child of prophecy, the destined one about whom there were old poems - >!Yhwach. Yhwach is literally a child of SK. There's literally a whole destiny and prophecy about him. He is the closest thing to destined or chosen one in Bleach.!<

Ichigo isn't a reincarnation of somebody, like destined one in shonens. There's no prophecy about him like in other shonens. At least provide a proof where it was stated that he's a chosen one or chosen by destiny or fate or prophecy. It's funny to see people still post this misinformation.