
RV_Web t1_j85yjkg wrote

wait, what? No, you've got it all wrong. People who believe the Earth is flat are the same people who believe birds are real.

Birds used to be real but they have long long since gone extinct. See, its like when Christians try and tell you that dinosaur bones are God testing our faith, only the government is reinforcing your belief in birds to hide the fact that our planet and ecology is all fucked up. One need only to disassemble any common bird to see what I mean.


spread the word.


RV_Web t1_j1zl7x0 wrote

With the recent cold weather, we're starting to get condensation that is dripping in the fan and into the bathroom.

Yeah, thats where you'll see the problem first. My guess is that its raining in your attic when the tropical rain fog comes billowing into the cold attic from your hot shower vent.

Would wrapping them in something like this be effective? And stop the dripping?

I would imagine if you shove enough of this around the pipe, it will soak up the water like a sponge and turn into a wet dripping stinking mess. So, yeah. sort of.

Obviously, the ideal solution would be to properly vent to the outside...


but that isn't a quick fix/feasible option at the moment.

You do realize that one piece of flexible pipe run into a vented soffit, roof vent, or literally any other opening is better that just venting into the attic, right? And its not more expensive than the insulation wrap u show here, just slightly different to install.

My best advice is this..

Do you own it? Fix it right. Do you rent it? If so then leve it well alone and call the landlord and let him fix it or not.