
RafiqTheHero t1_jeexu43 wrote

While big walnut does appear to have written this, nuts/seeds do in fact rock. Lots of healthy fats, good amount of protein, good amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and possibly some polyphenols. The biggest issue for some people will be the amount of calories or fats, otherwise nuts/seeds are awesome. Kind of like the sibling to fruits and veggies which doesn't get as much attention.


RafiqTheHero t1_j1ajh3a wrote

Finding a balanced diet by studies alone can be difficult.

But it's hard to go wrong by sticking with minimally processed foods that are mostly plant-based. That's what most cultures around the world have done for hundreds of years, if not longer.

Journalist/author Michael Pollan (who has researched/investigated food a lot) has a saying, which seems pretty helpful. "Eat food, mostly plants, not too much."

The cultures in the world with a high number of people who live to be 100+ essentially eat this way. Not vegetarian, but low meat consumption with an emphasis on vegetables, healthy oils, grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, etc.