
RandomUsername12123 t1_j2dckeo wrote

>It's also why mixed material packaging, like ketchup packets with foil liners and milk cartons can't be recycled, the outer carton is paper

Ketchup packs are just too small and not worth even trying to recycle, inceneration is the best way to dispose of it.

With the proper configuration and air filtration there is no environmental impact for the process

And the milk boxes are made of Tetra Pak, which is recyclable.


RandomUsername12123 t1_ixfj5rc wrote

No man, the processor is basically the same.

Think of it like a Tesla that could unlock a 10mph speed boost for 1000€ and and identical one that even if you paid could not do that.

Apart from the POSSIBILITY to do that if you ever wanted they are the exact same and if op wasn't aware of what kind of chip had i dubt he was overclocking it.

And, even if, the value difference is absurdity slim, both these chips are under 100€

I would just find a situation like that oddly funny.


RandomUsername12123 t1_ixfb6oy wrote

The k variant is just unlocked version of the normal variant, the cpu are as similar they can be.

And the k version usually costs like 30 bucks more and useful only if you overclock lol

Where unlocked means you CAN overlook ane gain minor performance while consuming more and risking a unstable system.

And yeah, a 7700 k version or not is hardly worth 100 bucks.

If you don't belive me my ryzen 2600x is like 30% faster and i would have a hard time selling it for 120€

The first number of a intel processor indicates the generation

Yours is the 7th gen (we are in double digit realm now but eh)

And the generation is REALLY important in the performance of a CPU

A i7 from two gen ago ia maybe as fast as a last gen i5 for example


RandomUsername12123 t1_ixfb5mv wrote

The k variant is just unlocked version of the normal variant, the cpu are as similar they can be.

And the k version usually costs like 30 bucks more and useful only if you overclock lol

Where unlocked means you CAN overlook and gain minor performance while consuming more and risking a unstable system.

And yeah, a 7700 k or not is hardly worth 100 bucks


RandomUsername12123 t1_iv08pr8 wrote

If you have to implement it in an already established operation seems easy, i was thinking about an indipendent organization that drives a van to collect them or ship it.

I don't have that much imaginations it seems hahahah


RandomUsername12123 t1_iuyuzj4 wrote

The problem is that coffee grounds is not a kind of industrial waste and at best the only good source of then are bars et similar.

And from these bars it has to be collected in a way(transport and human hours) , i can't think on how this could be feasible as a way to do anything useful.

Coffee grounds can be used as fertilizer and that is already a good use of them.

Going back to the first point nespresso has a initiative where you can return the aluminum cans to the store to be recycled and the quantity of coffee and aluminum is laughably small