I recall from my own PhD studies that Kuhn used it many ways. Something like 60 different ways (I’ll have to check this, but will advised later if very wrong).
EDIT - “Masterman (1970) a friendly critic of Kuhns claimed to have spotted more than 20 different ways that Kuhn used the term paradigm in his book…”
So I was not accurate above, but I knew there was quite a lot of ways the term was variously originally used by Kuhn. I’ve also slightly paraphrased the above quote but retained the essence.
Randomenamegenerated t1_j7lw57g wrote
Reply to The often misused buzzword Paradigm originated in extremely popular and controversial philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn's work; he defined the term in two core ways: firstly as a disciplinary matrix (similar to the concept of a worldview) and secondly as an exemplar by thelivingphilosophy
I recall from my own PhD studies that Kuhn used it many ways. Something like 60 different ways (I’ll have to check this, but will advised later if very wrong).
EDIT - “Masterman (1970) a friendly critic of Kuhns claimed to have spotted more than 20 different ways that Kuhn used the term paradigm in his book…”
So I was not accurate above, but I knew there was quite a lot of ways the term was variously originally used by Kuhn. I’ve also slightly paraphrased the above quote but retained the essence.