
RangerBumble t1_jc6yf6x wrote

For you interior design types out there: this site offers a colour gradient as a search function. By selecting "free to use" "with large picture" and a colour, you can quickly find a painting to match the decor of a room. Then you can just use the file to print your own reproduction. It's a game changer.

Edit: You can also find free 3d print files to make replicas of marble statues as decor. I'm picking out some favorites to use as really awsome bookends.


RangerBumble t1_j273p7n wrote

Centerville is 45.75°N. This puts the sun at only 20.85° high at noon last week because it it winter. The center of the rainbow would be equidistant 20° below the horizon. For a 42° internal diamiter atmospheric rainbow the radius is 21°. This leaves a .15° gap between the horizon and the 2° width of the rainbow. That's not quite exactly what is shown in the photo bit it is very close.

If this is a recent photo I believe it was taken around noon.

Edit: The image shows a rainbow with approximately 6° of height above the horizon. This would require the sun to be 15° high. This would be between 9:54 and 9:59am or between 2:10 and 2:15pm last week. I admit that this is quite a bit further from noon than I initially expected. I would love for OP to chime in with the metadata and tell me how close I am with my napkin calculation. I am not sure if the surface is level or even if the rainbow is exactly 6° high.


RangerBumble t1_ir1fb7r wrote

There's team working on that! Give me a minute to fin a link.


I was thinking of the Clearspace but apparently Astroscale is doing it too.

"Europe plans space claw to capture orbiting junk | Science | AAAS" https://www.science.org/content/article/europe-plans-space-claw-capture-orbiting-junk

"Astroscale's space junk removal satellite aces 1st orbital test | Space" https://www.space.com/astroscale-first-space-junk-capture-demonstration