
RaptureMasquerade t1_jaap93p wrote

Hotel Monaco has rooms that I believe are called spa suites. No hot tub, but they have massive Japanese soaking tubs. Big fan, have stayed there several times with my partner legit for the tub. I spend afternoons browsing the internet for 5,000 dollar soaking tubs. I am a changed man after the soaking tub.


RaptureMasquerade t1_ityhvud wrote

Weird inaccuracy in the final point of this article. The final section discussing the motive says:

"The film opens with a young Cullen being pushed to the side as a medical team urgently administers defibrillation to a family member."

That's just wrong. Its just a random patient, and the "young Cullen" is a nurse. He's the first to respond when the alarm sounds. You can even see him remove his stethoscope and he's wearing scrubs. He's clearly a nurse working in the scene, not a younger version of himself witnessing the death of a family member.