
RaptureRaven t1_jaoorhd wrote

The snow can block their view of oncoming traffic, which can cause an accident.. It can slide off your roof onto your windshield when you stop, and could cause an accident. It can be partly frozen, fly off, and hit other cars on the highway, which could cause a high speed accident.

It literally takes two minutes to not endanger others. Plus, its the law to clear your windows in Maine.


RaptureRaven t1_j11g83j wrote

Haven't used quickmedcards, but I used cheapmedcards and they were great. 40 bucks and 5 minutes later, I had a pdf I could use, and less than a week later, a card. That said, the comments have it. Most of the medical dispensaries around here usually have a day of the week where someone is in the store for people to get a med card. I'd just look around at the medical dispensaries and find one that's having a deal day.