Rauleigh t1_iu1djkn wrote
Reply to The Great People Shortage is coming — and it's going to cause global economic chaos | Researchers predict that the world's population will decline in the next 40 years due to declining birth rates — and it will cause a massive shortage of workers. by Shelfrock77
What would scaling back business/economic growth look like? Is the need to automate so that we can continue to increase an excess standard of living or to prevent a dramatic decrease in standard of living. What jobs are most essential that aren't getting filled, are they being prioritized already? Why not?
Rauleigh t1_itnfe54 wrote
This makes the spiking development AI generated media content make way more sense in the timeline of tech goals. What we are seeing now are the survivable iterations of audiovisual output that would be most likely to evolve into this reality. While considering commonly accessible MR/AR is the first time in years I've been excited about the direction of new technology, it's a glaring reminder that we need WAY better protections for people's privacy and security in the internet. The amount of personal data this tech infrastructure would require us boggling to think about being available to interested parties who benefit from manipulating people at scale.
Rauleigh t1_itgloqn wrote
Reply to Given the exponential rate of improvement to prompt based image/video generation, in how many years do you think we'll see entire movies generated from a prompt? by yea_okay_dude
Why would we want this to happen?
Rauleigh t1_isgst1o wrote
Reply to comment by OKAGAKAMI in Sleep Simulation: The Future of Sleep? by Defiant_Swann
Word! Yeah I've gone back and forth on it a couple times. The thing that is of concern/interest I think is the culture that normalizes uppers like caffeine or even Adderall to either keep up with inflexible systems/schedules or to cram in extra activities. Its not necessary but easy to become dependent on substances to supplement our bodies to fit a fast paced environment that doesn't really cater to a lot of our needs.
Rauleigh t1_isewlaj wrote
Reply to comment by LovinLoveLeigh in Sleep Simulation: The Future of Sleep? by Defiant_Swann
Yeah! My instinct seeing a lot of these r/futurology articles has been that technology is advancing to the point where we are no longer adapting our environment to us anymore we are creating an environment that we must adapt to. That environment is overwhelmingly economic/systematic in a way that is unsustainable and linear rather than circular. Humans are becoming the most adaptable element of an increasingly inflexible world, so we will continue to be squeezed tighter and tighter between the gears of progress.
Rauleigh t1_isevxv8 wrote
Reply to comment by OKAGAKAMI in Sleep Simulation: The Future of Sleep? by Defiant_Swann
Or using caffeine
Rauleigh t1_isevtky wrote
Reply to comment by HighMont in Sleep Simulation: The Future of Sleep? by Defiant_Swann
And we arguably don't need to be working 8 hour days to do the work that is asked of us.
Rauleigh t1_isce51p wrote
Reply to comment by IceColdPorkSoda in Food Project Proposes Matrix-Style Vertical Chicken Farms [2012] by Leprechan_Sushi
A lot of the flavor and texture comes from the life experience of the animal. That's why game meat taste so different from domestic animals. I'm all for any environmental improvements but these lengths are wild to maintain current levels of meat consumptions. Like meat is an important part of our omnivorous diet in a lot of ways but this and lab grown is just seems so extreme.
Rauleigh t1_is7wqfp wrote
Reply to comment by perrinoia in Rise of delivery robots leaves drivers fearful of job losses | Context by el_gee
Idk that more automation means people actually get better jobs. sitting in front of a computer managing a fleet of robots sounds about as soul crushing as being a delivery person or cashier. People have unhealthy amounts of screentime without it being their full time job. It would be slightly cooler to design and fix the robots but where are minimum wage workers gonna get the money to get that kind of education. The reason people are scared of automation taking their jobs is cuz it doesn't come with equal employment opportunities to the job that the company no longer needs to pay them for. The world's gonna just keep changing tho that's life idfk
Rauleigh t1_ir1zjpz wrote
Reply to comment by KDamage in Are the youtube platform AI and many others social media AI are corrupting the young generation? by NTR_Slayer
You think curation will be the thing to improve it? O are you talking about algorithms that do the moderation for u?
Rauleigh t1_ir1g8xu wrote
Reply to comment by StarTracks2001 in Meta's AI Chief Publishes Paper on Creating ‘Autonomous’ Artificial Intelligence by Impossible_Cookie596
Yep and the fact that we live in a world where that is universal and almost unchallenged is freaky.
Rauleigh t1_ir1ckc3 wrote
Reply to comment by KDamage in Are the youtube platform AI and many others social media AI are corrupting the young generation? by NTR_Slayer
Yeah pornography and sexual content isn't inherently bad for young people but the lack of consciousness a the way social media skews young people's perception of reality is, including sexuality. I didn't spend a whole lot of time on social media when I was younger but I still got a lot of my assumptions about how to think about the world and people from media, which has been a struggle to unlearn having realized it is the source of a lot of anxiety and a factor in depression.
Humans are highly adaptive and dynamic animals. The vast majority of our physiology and intelligence evolved in dynamic 3d, social and ecological environments. The shift from a multi sensory engaging lifestyle or even just leisure experiences to almost exclusively audio visual experience, that also disrupts your bodies ability to properly sleep has got to have a negative effect on your mental health.
The pandemic was like a huge experiment in the highly virtual lifestyle and for a lot of people it was horrendous, and it's already showing significant negative impact on children. I have friends who work with kids and across younger age groups the kids struggle to think creatively for how to engage themselves, show decreased social skills and emotional management.
The speed that technology is developing is amazing, what's possible is increasing exponentially in the digital sphere. It's just that living human beings, our bodies and minds can't adapt fast enough to keep up without a cost.
Rauleigh t1_iqmc9hx wrote
Reply to comment by ajabardar1 in AI will reach human intelligence, not imitate it by Defiant_Swann
Please elaborate! :o
Rauleigh t1_iqmc3fy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in AI will reach human intelligence, not imitate it by Defiant_Swann
We don't have a sensor that can actually do what a nose can do, it can come close and be trained but smell is actually wildly complex and fluctuates in a way that is amazingly hard to figure out.
Rauleigh t1_iqmbvvw wrote
Reply to comment by Snaz5 in AI will reach human intelligence, not imitate it by Defiant_Swann
Everyone should watch Brian David Gilberts MegaMan video, there are so many sentient robots in those games that did not need to be sentient.
Rauleigh t1_iqmbsef wrote
Reply to comment by StTheo in AI will reach human intelligence, not imitate it by Defiant_Swann
FR, IF an AI was stuck inside a computer but just as if not more intelligent than a human brain it would go absolutely nuts. It would be like life in prison or as someone's pet, solitary confinement even unless it was constantly fed new challenges to entertain it. It might get depressed, though I guess it would need the emotional hormones or an equivalent to develop an emotional response.
Rauleigh t1_ixckaif wrote
Reply to comment by fleamarketenthusiest in Genetics combined with long years of schooling and little time outdoors can lead to myopia by Quiglius
If u listen to any high school student they will tell u how they wish their teachers had taught them how to do their taxes! I still wish I understood how to do it so I didn't have to pay an online service to work it out and could actually have full agency in my economic life.