
Rawesome16 t1_jadg1uj wrote

Reply to comment by nopestillgotit in You've got a problem! by Ok_Cut1802

With drugs like cocaine or heroine it effects your brain fat stronger. Those drugs help you produce dopamine or others chemicals our brand naturally produce to make us happy. Eventually your body depends on the drugs to be happy and no longer makes it naturally.

Marijuana does not do this. It is mentally addicting but not physically


Rawesome16 t1_jadfj99 wrote

Just how dumb are you? I'm a casual drinker. I've had 3 glasses of wine in the last 6 days, 4 of which were snow days in my neck of the woods. How exactly is that bad?


Rawesome16 t1_j3tusfc wrote

Yup, at work and don't care about proof reading while swype typing.

I like your use of punctuation though. You can claim you don't care, but you are using the punctuation I suggested wonderfully, so good job.

Don't act like you could handle my mom. She is far too much woman for you random redditor.


Rawesome16 t1_j3toyra wrote

Why still a wall of text?

Have you not learned how to use punctuation yet? They help get your point across. Since you are not worth the time of reading that wall of text.

But considering how much name calling you line to use I see your youth or stupidity. Your choice which it is. Stay mad little human. It's a good look for you


Rawesome16 t1_j3tnpiz wrote

Ah my assuming little simpleton. If she hits him she should expect to be hit back.

Your day "conservative sounding" like it's an insult. Shows how sheepish your truly are. If your own to far in any directing you are a dumbass. I see I've found a dumbass who lands far too much one way.

Little simpleton got his undies in a bunch. How sad