Redemptionxi t1_iu9lqec wrote
Reply to comment by GoPikachuGo1 in NYC PBA gives Democrat Kathy Hochul $25K while holding out on Lee Zeldin by F_T_N_32
Yes, nothing cops love more than high crime rates so they can get ordered in for overtime so they can't go home.
Redemptionxi t1_jaq4o7j wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Pols target NYC’s violent, repeat shoplifters with bill to protect retailer workers just like cops, firefighters by NYY657545
Anytime you use a dangerous weapon/instrument and cause any physical injury, it's an automatic Assault 2, doesn't have to be serious physical injury. Serious physical injury only applies by striking someone, etc.
You can't stab someone and get a DAT with assault 3 lol. But yes, as to your two drunks example, you could punch someone and only get charged with harassment.