Be street smart as everyone said. Don’t go out late late night and you will be fine. Enjoy the free museums, national monument tours (I recommend trolley tours as you will hit all monuments within 2 hours), and get some good food. Weather can be random so have a jacket with a hood in case it rains. Buddy system if you still feel unsafe.
ReflectiveWave t1_j9l5b3b wrote
Reply to Scared of traveling to Washington DC, how do I calm my anxiety? by Unusual-Relief-9409
Be street smart as everyone said. Don’t go out late late night and you will be fine. Enjoy the free museums, national monument tours (I recommend trolley tours as you will hit all monuments within 2 hours), and get some good food. Weather can be random so have a jacket with a hood in case it rains. Buddy system if you still feel unsafe.