Thanks for all the good work you guys are doing to change the public’s perception of these substances!
Are you aware of any studies investigating the efficacy of psychedelics in treating body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB) disorders (e.g. trichotillomania, dermatillomania)? I suffer from both, and in all my experiences with psychedelics I’ve noticed that my urges to pick/pull disappear completely during and shortly after the trip.
I know there’s a good deal of research on treating OCD with psychedelics, but I haven’t seen any papers that dealt specifically with BFRB disorders.
RelevantMetaUsername t1_itwcdv7 wrote
Reply to We are Dax Jackson and Ally Lee of Psychedelic Safety Alliance. We are here to provide scientific, no-BS adult harm reduction education around psychedelics. by psychsafetyalliance
Thanks for all the good work you guys are doing to change the public’s perception of these substances!
Are you aware of any studies investigating the efficacy of psychedelics in treating body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB) disorders (e.g. trichotillomania, dermatillomania)? I suffer from both, and in all my experiences with psychedelics I’ve noticed that my urges to pick/pull disappear completely during and shortly after the trip.
I know there’s a good deal of research on treating OCD with psychedelics, but I haven’t seen any papers that dealt specifically with BFRB disorders.