
t1_ja64zen wrote

The film that finally got the book character right: a willful, besotted brute with a patriotic, if hobbled, heart.

And one of the greatest -- if not the greatest -- chase scenes ever filmed.

Parkour on a hi-rise crane. Epic.

We hadn't yet seen anything in the Bond series like the raw violence of the opening pre-credits scene, which told us in no uncertain terms what we could expect from the new Bond, and how he would go about solving problems. No more improbable gizmos saving the day; no more baseless, magical power over women; just raw masculine power and the willingness to get down in the dirt.

This is also the Bond film that perfectly defines love: after fighting two assassins down a stairwell, getting slashed by a machete, being poisoned, actually dying, and being defibrillated back to life, the first thing Bond says to Vesper as he regains consciousness is "Are you okay?"

That's profound. No posing, no manipulating, certainly no self-worry -- just immediate, sincere, selfless concern for Vesper. She can't compute it. I love that scene.


>You left that theater with goosebumps and a feeling of so much swag.

Totally. Saw it with a friend, and we were so stoked coming out of the theater.