
Reverend357 OP t1_jdllyh8 wrote

Might take a bit of digging. I could find the 75s, but somehow not the 40s over here (europe can suck a bit to find headphones sometimes). But the us amazon usually comes through anyway.

Honestly, if it makes him happy, budget doesn't matter. I already spend too much on my hobbies anyway (shop had a nice discount on the moondrop variations...I had to), so if I can find them, worth it. Or just order the 30i from Drop. The 75s might not be hist cup of tea with the clip on.

Thanks for the suggestion, always happy to look into new headphones I don't know much about :) Only found the Grado cause I was looking for dedicated audiobook cans myself


Reverend357 OP t1_jdll7sp wrote

Expierenced that one first hand. Laser eye surgery gone wrong, was blind on that eye for a few days and the pain prevented me from opening the other eye for more than a few seconds. Sitting in a dark room 24/7 without being able to do anything makes you crazy. Had just enough time to start an audiobook and at least have something to listen to for a few hours. Now I mostly use them when I have to drive long distances for several hours. Makes the highway a lot more interesting.


Reverend357 OP t1_jdilkhr wrote

Worth a shot! I got a couple different pads to try and find the right ones, so I'm gonna give a couple of those the shampoo treatment. For now the standard pads will have to do, not enough time left to try it with those, but either me or my mom visit every few days anyway, plenty of opportunity to bring him a few different pads to try.

Thanks for the suggestion! :) I usually hate on ears so I don't really have any expierence with them (but granted...the Grados might convince me to give it a shot myself...IEMs and over ears suck when you sit in the sun listening to Lord of the rings while smoking a pipe to be honest)


Reverend357 OP t1_jdifffr wrote

Today is my Dad's 68th birthday. He had a stroke back in december (that luckily didn't have too many after effects), but his health has been really bad since then, and he's often stuck in the hospital for a while (currently in there for 2 weeks...second surgery today).

He is bored out of his mind in there, but too tired to read, and last time I visited I suggested audio books. He was pretty into the idea, and since I know he prefers on ear headphons to anything else, I ordered a pair for SR60X for him together with a nice case, usb c dongle and a 3 month audible gift subscription. Gonna bring it to him tomorrow and help him set up audible on his phone and pick a book. Hope he's gonna like it. Also, a bar of toblerone chocolate might find it's way into the carry case too....maybe ;)


Reverend357 OP t1_iylkbpi wrote

With money being worth nothing soon anyway, might as well splurge. Was a bit of a hassle building this, it's my second GMMK Pro. The first one was dead on arrival...which I found out AFTER building it. Well, some practice pulling keycaps and switches XD