
RocketSammael t1_jc7ganx wrote

Even using your metrics, I fail to see how Soto is "the best hitter in the game."

He's only played three full seasons (2019, 2021, 2022) and in those seasons he ranked #22, #16, and #46 in slugging percentage, respectively. On-base percentage, which is obviously Soto's biggest skill and admittedly one in which he is a beast, he ranked #7, #1, and #6. OPS - #10, #3, #15

So again I'll say - Soto is an unbelievable talent, but he is not the best hitter in the MLB. He may get there one day, but he cannot currently make stake to that claim. He's got to actually produce and show that he's consistently the best year over year, and he hasn't done that.

The stats do not back up your claims.