
RolandDeepson t1_ixwazcz wrote

No, qualified bus and school bus operators are at a planetwide shortage.

For 2 years there was reduced or suspended hiring, training, on boarding, and certifying. At the same time, there was more than 6 equivalent years of layoffs, terminations, retirements, quits, non-renewals, and yes even covid deaths.


RolandDeepson t1_ix8e738 wrote

If I'm inside the building, then it is most certainly "my" hydrant that they're parked in front of. The person deserves a ticket -- that even you admit the person is "RiSkiNG" -- and anyone calling to tattle on them deserves a fistbump.

Anyone defending them is a dick.

I said what I fuckin said.


RolandDeepson t1_ix3m3gg wrote

Yes. Get a decently strong SUV with 4wd, a few chains, and 2 or 3 people who genuinely know what they're doing so they don't literally kill somebody by accident.

Wrap chains around a frame member of the junk car. Securely and sensibly attach the other end of the chains to the SUV (this is NOT necessarily an intuitive process, and if done incorrectly, can severely damage the SUV.) Drag the junker into the street, as cockeyed an angle as possible, to obstruct as many lanes of travel as possible. Once the vehicle obstructs traffic, it'll disappear within 48 hours.

Rinse and repeat.


RolandDeepson t1_iumor8b wrote

>Pure genius. Again what’s the point? Why was not disclosing salary sooo egregious that the esteemed and super respected city council made this a law?

You've asked what's known as "a loaded question." A common example of a loaded question is, "when did you decide to stop violently assaulting your neighbors." The question is loaded because any question-conforming answer (in this case, a date or a time period) necessarily reinforces the implication that the person asked actually is, or was at one time, a violent person. Any response to the loaded question that attempts to address the fallacy or refute the accusation is then vulnerable to other rhetorical shenanigans such as accusations of "derailing" or "changing the subject" or "avoiding the question."

An unloaded question might be something like, "Have you ever been a particularly violent person," and then proceeding from there with follow ups.

You think it's ok for employers to either keep their hiring salaries secrets entirely, or possibly for employers to cherrypick on the fly as they decide what each individual applicant "deserves to hear" about salaries for positions being applied for.

See how easy that was? I asked you to clarify and elaborate on your point, and seemingly without even realizing it, you decided to do EXACTLY THAT. You're a very good conversationalist, u/sheepherderfew3844!! Now, everyone else reading this thread has a VERY DETAILED AND CLEAR understanding of what to expect from you, both as a human being, and as a member of society!

Well done!


RolandDeepson t1_iumme8v wrote

So if YOU see no need for employers to transparently disclose their base salary ranges, that means that there is no need for anyone to do so. And any attempt to do something so "insane and absurd" as "require recruiters and employers to disclose hard-figures of their expected salary ranges" means that it's a "fuckin ridiculous" thing to do.

Boy, I sure wish every naysayer were open books like you! Have a nice day, man, and please, pay yourself on the back for your solid civic engagement. The world needs more patient and conscientious people like you!