
Roscoes_Rashie t1_j2ctyoe wrote

If you’re talking about accessibility settings (eg colourblind display settings, subtitles or alternate button inputs), then fine, I agree they should be as all-inclusive as possible. But you’re trying to railroad or force the creator into changing their artistic vision for the end product. They want it hard to beat. Its entirely optional to play it, if easy to beat games are more your speed, Kirby or whatever already exists.

I don’t turn up where you work, knock the dicks out of your mouth and demand you do it differently.


Roscoes_Rashie t1_j2ctlee wrote

Because now this hypothetical sushi shop now has to worry about vegan/beef/whatever else options which dilutes how much attention they can put into the craft they originally intended to make.

FS don’t want to make easy to beat games. That might reduce their customer base. Thats fine. They’re optional to play and a wide market of easy to beat games already exists.