
Rough_Magician_8117 t1_jdnx8j7 wrote

I have lived here my whole life and it is nearly impossible to avoid exposure to them if you go outside. It tends to be the worst in the later afternoon and evening in my opinion, so I guess maybe try to have the majority of your outdoor activities in in the middle of the day? Also wooded areas are usually worse for bugs than developed areas.

I have never had good luck with bug sprays for any kind of insects. They always still hunt me down, but you could do some research on them and maybe something will work for you.

Hope you enjoy your time here and have safe travels.


Rough_Magician_8117 t1_jdhe5qc wrote

Right? Though Dartmouth is like super high Asian student body isn’t it?

Off topic: I am still traumatized by when my sisters friend grabbed a little brown ball out of mascoma lake, and then like 5 seconds later my sister saw a diaper floating... we grew up too fast...

Edit spelling


Rough_Magician_8117 t1_jdcg4zu wrote

It seems like the officers were arresting her on the premise she admitted to having a few drinks before driving home. Which is stupid because she also said she had a few drinks once she got home so any alcohol test results are pointless because there is not a way to determine if the impairment occurred before or after she got home. The article doesn’t state what the arrest was filed as, unless I missed it. I guess the officers wanted to make extra sure to violate some rights by taking pictures of the interior of her home for some reason, not sure what the angle was with that.

TLDR the police screwed up hard all around on this one and the chief did nothing to reprimand them.

EDIT: OP clarified in comment below. I misinterpreted some language in the article.


Rough_Magician_8117 t1_j0wuslz wrote

And right next door to it is the Cherry Hill apartments. They are on Bennett Way, not sure what it costs now but in 2008 it was $1000, and they were well maintained. Had a good experience there.

Edit: this was supposed to replying to the comment about the Cheney apartments in Newmarket but I am a dummy and didn’t comment correctly.