
RubberPny t1_jc3ab5f wrote

Private as well. Let me give you an example. My former job had a property with a few "trailers" on it, that it was using as temporary offices. Said trailers cost, $20,000 each to outright buy. Ok so 2 trailers x $20,000 = $40,000, not bad to own 2 good to go offices. Turns out, they did not buy them, they used a "rental" from the trailer company, where they were paying $2000/month.....for 20 years, a total of $960,000 wasted on rentals over a 20 year period, when they could have outright bought them for $40,000. Of course, no one in finance caught this, they were just writing the check each month for the rental, without a review of bills payable. When the CEO learned of this, the trailers were gone within one week. LOL


RubberPny t1_iwvt9i3 wrote

IIRC there is a special fast track system specifically for people part of Compact Free Association islands. Though yes, just giving them citizenship would be better. Fun fact, there is already a large Marshallese population in Arkansas.


RubberPny t1_iwvcd26 wrote

There are already a few nations, such as the Kiribati, Marshall Islands, etc that are planning total evacuations of everyone to either Australia, New Zealand or the US, due to these places being fully under water in the future. For Marshall Islands, it's a bit easier due to the Compact Free Association with the US (basically allows free movement + the ability to use some gov services).

Sorry for the tangent: the whole situation is sad and complex in the way it will need to be taken care of.