
Ryanp356 t1_jczxosi wrote

Hell yeah growmie. I usually have plenty of trim to make a couple pounds of some potent ass butter after harvest, so it never feels like a waste anyways. But if you don't like to "waste" bud you could always invest in a dry herb vape, keep the used bud and just use that when you get enough. Don't even have to decarb


Ryanp356 OP t1_jay3jj1 wrote

Reply to comment by Justagreewithme in ct spca is closing by Ryanp356

That's reassuring thanks! The first time I checked the shelters website it was at like 22 dogs now it's down to 18 so at this rate hopefully they all find a home!(and the cats too obvi)


Ryanp356 OP t1_jax0lhe wrote

Reply to comment by Mascbro26 in ct spca is closing by Ryanp356

Thanks for posting the link id give u my free award if reddit didnt get rid of them. I just felt helpless as my house is already full of rescues/strays so I wanted to help spread the word atleast. But your original comment made me do more research and now I can rest easy knowing they're doing everything they can to rehome the poor animals. So thank you for that!


Ryanp356 OP t1_jawxqri wrote

Reply to comment by Mascbro26 in ct spca is closing by Ryanp356

The article I read said they will be euthanized if they don't get adopted, but I can't seem to find it now. The article I just read said volunteers are trying to rehome them to another shelter/sanctuary, and euthanasia is a last resort. Seems like they're getting a lot of calls now, so hopefully everything will work out sorry for the misinformation.


Ryanp356 t1_ixwei9s wrote

Just survive apparently. I needed answers as well so i looked it up. Seemed like an interesting guy. Died in 2018 unfortunately. Dude had a bunch of crazy inventions and won an award for the bear suit. Search troy hurtubise if u want to know more. And the suit does include a helmet that looks just as wild. One of the replies to a comment has a link.