Safety1stThenTMWK t1_jcxvvdf wrote
Reply to comment by Dave_Tribbiani in Teachers wanted to ban calculators in 1988. Now, they want to ban ChatGPT. by redbullkongen
You’re right. I’m a high school teacher (not math), and very few of my students are capable of doing arithmetic without a calculator. I can’t imagine how tedious it must be having to pull out a calculator every time you need to do basic arithmetic.
Safety1stThenTMWK t1_jcy4kbv wrote
Reply to comment by DragonfruitNeat8979 in Teachers wanted to ban calculators in 1988. Now, they want to ban ChatGPT. by redbullkongen
No need to be rude.
Calculators are great when you need an exact answer or the problem has a lot of pieces. A lot of problems just require estimates, and many high schoolers and adults can’t do that.
If you ever work outside where your hands can get cold, wet, and/or dirty, you’ll understand that using your phone for math is not always convenient.