
Sailorman2300 t1_jefvr6l wrote

I'm thinking because government is best at being reactionary instead of proactive. In the US, it is also beholden to capitalist framework which encourages the status quo.

I wouldn't put faith in government to be able to start to address this. It's not equipped to adapt to this type and speed of change. Government will be increasingly irrelevant.


Sailorman2300 t1_jednzge wrote

The thing that got me thinking was when they started talking about machine time vs human time. If the human brain operates at 200Hz and has to sleep mode for 1/3 of the day every day and AI would run at gigahertz speeds 24/7 our reaction time if something does go sideways would be limited if we have any at all.

It feels like we're a bug confidently flying across the road to a big beautiful flower unaware of the oncoming windshield.