
SaltineFiend t1_iz1iqvd wrote

Everything you said equally applies to the SC if they decide ISL has validity after 200+ years of federal law, case law, and the constitution stipulating otherwise.

Fact is, in Dobbs this SC said precedent doesn't matter, the ends of Christian fascism justify whatever means. Biden is well within his right to tell them to fuck off and in my opinion our military should drag them into the street and do what needs to be done to Nazis.


SaltineFiend t1_iz0wa38 wrote

You're quite wrong. The executive branch upholds the rulings of the judiciary out of convention alone, there is no binding enforcement for anything the court says ever.


SaltineFiend t1_it9w9oz wrote

> I would guess that it's more likely they are improvising.

A tradition that began with the Baroque, that is to say, as old as orchestral performances. Virtuosity is rarefied air and a wonderful thing to experience.


SaltineFiend t1_it9w0wv wrote


SaltineFiend t1_iqyepz0 wrote

Also an object which ejects mass in space is known as a rocket engine. That ejecta plume was a rocket engine. It's a nonlinear equation that you have to run in real time to get a result. At the very instant you collide the two masses together the mass of the larger object changes.