SarahMagical t1_jb9ozpy wrote
It’s going to be hard enough for technologically advanced cultures to adapt to a world with AI and deepfakes etc. Imagine how much harder it will be for some “developing” cultures around the world.
I keep thinking of boomers’ stereotypical ineptitude with basic technology that younger generations take for granted, and remote first-contact tribes that think taking a picture will steal their soul, and even object permanence issues in small children.
The brave new world is/will be such a massive paradigm shift for so many people. The struggle will be real.
SarahMagical t1_ja40aaq wrote
Reply to Chinese University Invents "Kissing Device" That Lets Users Smooch Over The Internet by Suspicious_Introvert
People are def gonna be putting their ducks in there.
SarahMagical t1_ja00a2t wrote
Reply to Why the development of artificial general intelligence could be the most dangerous new arms race since nuclear weapons by jamesj
I’m excited about the positive potential for AI but also think great caution is called for. With great power comes great responsibility. Unfortunately, we are human after all.
SarahMagical t1_j94fo5u wrote
Reply to comment by Psychomadeye in Which medical specialties are future proof? by MeronDC
SarahMagical t1_j5vqfn7 wrote
Reply to An ALS patient set a record for communicating via a brain implant: 62 words per minute by esprit-de-lescalier
Interesting that it reads neurons in motor cortex and not the speech centers further upstream, I wonder what the pros/cons are for each, and the rationale behind the decision.
Does this mean that people who lost their ability to speak a long time ago—who may have somewhen forgotten how to produce speech—would get worse results from this technology.
SarahMagical t1_jcs73pe wrote
Reply to Say Goodbye to Coding: Microsoft Launches Power Platform Copilot by newzee1
Wait what’s the difference between GitHub copilot and power platform copilot?