
SarahMagical t1_jb9ozpy wrote

It’s going to be hard enough for technologically advanced cultures to adapt to a world with AI and deepfakes etc. Imagine how much harder it will be for some “developing” cultures around the world.

I keep thinking of boomers’ stereotypical ineptitude with basic technology that younger generations take for granted, and remote first-contact tribes that think taking a picture will steal their soul, and even object permanence issues in small children.

The brave new world is/will be such a massive paradigm shift for so many people. The struggle will be real.


SarahMagical t1_j5vqfn7 wrote

Interesting that it reads neurons in motor cortex and not the speech centers further upstream, I wonder what the pros/cons are for each, and the rationale behind the decision.

Does this mean that people who lost their ability to speak a long time ago—who may have somewhen forgotten how to produce speech—would get worse results from this technology.