
SasquatchTamales t1_je911me wrote

Saying she was hot shit was a bit of embellishment on my part.There’s two takes to the song’s lyrics from my perspective; either she is writing a song about her exes in which she is calling them out publicly, in which case it’s not a joke to those people she’s writing about, or she’s using irony as others in the thread have said in which she’s referencing her own vanity as a music star in thinking that they would be listening in on her music for any reference to themselves. In either case I think it’s pretty cringe.


SasquatchTamales t1_je8ypa9 wrote

I really don't like this song. Its clear to me she thinks she's hot shit and and thinks whoever she used to date are sitting there listening to her lyrics for jabs at themselves when in reality she is the one who is vain for thinking someone would care enough to do that. Some would argue she's being self aware but if she were that self aware do you really think she would be self deprecating enough to write a song about her own acknowledged vanity, knowing that the majority of people would take it at face value? Either way it's a shitty premise for a song in my opinion.


SasquatchTamales t1_jdlzq6d wrote

Every bad trip is ultimately psychological; there can be outside stimulus that creates stressors that can trigger a bad trip but in the end its on you and your ability to modulate your mindset throughout the trip. The key to having a good trip is planning it with the right setting, company, and current mood going into the trip. If any of these aren't lining up, I'd suggest its best to wait until you feel you've found the right moment where all of these are good.


SasquatchTamales t1_jdcuomh wrote

I get that; but ninety-nine percent is news sensationalism. Coastal and inland regions have been saturated for three months and a heightened snowpack means replenishment in ground water through spring. Some areas in the valley may still be in drought conditions but to say that ninety-nine percent (even from January's figures) is a lie.


SasquatchTamales t1_jdcflsg wrote

I'm sorry but this article is categorically false; there is no way ninety-nine percent of California is in drought conditions after the rain we have continued to have. Glad they got their check for their article but the sensationalism of it is bullshit, showing me pretty graphs doesn't support your argument when we've now had sustained months of rainfall, snowpack, and reservoirs coming back to healthy levels.