Schneetmacher t1_jd1947b wrote
Reply to comment by Rosebunse in New trans-exclusionary "Lesbian Project" accidentally uses trans couple’s image by SqueakSquawk4
The 70s were... a very strange time. Basically, after decades of negative Freudian influence on sex, people just sort of went nuts and did a lot of crazy shit - including treating adolescents like they were adults.
Schneetmacher t1_jb56kvf wrote
Reply to comment by communistfairy in Wife elopes with another man, husband marries her lover's wife as revenge by wewhomustnotbenamed
Same. My eyebrows raised when I read the actual story.
Schneetmacher t1_ja7you6 wrote
Did he ever find his cat?
Schneetmacher t1_is2kezy wrote
Reply to comment by SelectiveSanity in US anti-abortion campaigner quotes Bravehart in bizarre Scotland rant by jdbsplashum
I think OP meant r/religiousfruitcake, which is a bit of a different animal. But you could be right.
Schneetmacher OP t1_je8fdnr wrote
Reply to comment by velocilfaptor in One in ten Britons have performed dentistry on themselves, half in the last two years by Schneetmacher
It means half of the Brits polled who have performed dentistry on themselves have done it within the last two years.