
SciFiSoldier_481 t1_j8rjtkm wrote

My problem with Eugenics is that some of those "human specimens" were the ones practicing Eugenics and deciding who should live and die based on things like race and ethnicity and certain birth defects. People used Eugenics to play God with the species, and we lost some really good folks to people who, like Hitler, considered themselves "Eugenicists." It's extremely dangerous territory that destroys human potential, both positive and negative. I'd rather not.


SciFiSoldier_481 t1_j6ywncw wrote

I just don't want to live in a city period. I'd prefer to have my own land, grow my own crops, and raise my own livestock. Nothing industrial, just enough for my family. And I prefer not to live so close to my neighbor that I can throw a rock and hit their house. I don't like the idea of living on top of one another, stacked up like product on a shelf, and having to deal with everyone else's habits and life styles while listening to people complain about mine. I just want to be left in peace and not be a drain on society and the environment. As a trucker, I took a lot of products from all over the country into cities.... and I often took nothing out. Sometimes, it feels like cities are just a drain on resources. But what do you all think? Give me your own thoughts.


SciFiSoldier_481 t1_j4cn4k3 wrote

We still create massive carbon emissions to produce these "clean" energy solutions, which don't yield much energy output compared to their alternatives and use highly toxic materials to create, which ultimately end up as hazardous waste. In addition, the amount of land that has to be cleared for solar farms in comparison to their energy output is madness compared to that of a nuclear power plant, which produces less toxic waste for more energy output. This isn't a "clean" energy solution. This is an energy alternative that corporations and investors push as "clean" to market it and make money with. Many people only read the bold print of the headlines and never read anything beyond that.


SciFiSoldier_481 t1_j4cm31r wrote

Companies used to use fat (lard) to flavor foods. A health food movement pushed companies to reduce fat, so they added sugar. A health food movement is currently pushing companies to reduce sugar, so their adding artificial sweetners. The point is that people keep pushing companies to take out something bad, and they put in something worse.