
ScientificSkepticism t1_jeca5iw wrote

Vietnam or Afghanistan, which was worse! Find out in "random acts of imperialism battle." Some day Ukraine might have 1/10th the deaths of either of those.

The KGB did wield similar power, and together the CIA and KGB overthrew many democracies and killed a whole lot of people, directly and indirectly.


ScientificSkepticism t1_jc4s718 wrote

Yeah, bean counters would look at an 8 year payback and go "eh... okay, borderline, lets find the budget for it."

Politicians run on 4 year election cycles. Depending where you are in the cycle, it might need results in as little as a year or they won't get any payoff.


ScientificSkepticism t1_j9fotwi wrote

While the study was 4x8, let me just add how awesome 4x10 is with work from home.

Roll out of bed at 6:30, take a shower, put on a t-shirt and jeans, at work by 7. Maybe put on a button down if I have a client call. Start dinner at 4:00. Get it in oven, go work some. Dinner done at 5. Answer emails while hanging out with family/friends.

Goddamn I'd rather do 10 hours of work that way than 8 hours of work where I dressed up and spent 45 minutes commuting each way.


ScientificSkepticism t1_j6nygwj wrote

> The energy input to energy output ratio for wind and solar isn't good... With nuclear and natural gas we put in the same inputs and get 20x (or more) the return as solar or wind.

The hell is this nonsense? The "energy in" is literally sunlight. Natural gas is gas extracted from the earth that you're burning to create more CO2.

The sunlight is going to hit the earth either way, we're capturing some of it as energy. The efficiency there is infinite.

>The sad thing is that solar and wind are not going to save us and will probably lead to an increase in habitat loss and destruction all over the planet.

Complete nonsense. We'd need a 115,000 square mile solar plant to power the entire world. Libya, a country you probably haven't thought of in a while, is 679,000 square miles.

So to power the entire world we'd need an area less than a quarter the size of Libya. Which, again, is a country you haven't thought about in months. No, this is not actually that much area.


ScientificSkepticism t1_j582yn7 wrote

Manual override switches should be on a dedicated control panel on the side of a unit that's only accessible with an O&M manual.

Now disconnect switches, those are big shiny red buttons, but manual switches? Oh god the stupidity that results. People will literally just not change the automation programming and hit a switch, it wrecks everything.