Scientific_Thinking t1_ix07zt6 wrote
Reply to The time it took to get to the moon. by Redvolition
I still wish technology would improve faster tho, not early fast enough for many things in life.
Given how short life is, I surely would want life extension tech to be around the corner.
Scientific_Thinking t1_iwcu3ah wrote
Reply to comment by Human-Ad9798 in Theories of consciousness - Seth, A.K. and Bayne, T. (2022). by Singularian2501
something we can record, get data for, and create knowledge from.
Scientific_Thinking t1_iwbswzq wrote
Reply to comment by Singularian2501 in Theories of consciousness - Seth, A.K. and Bayne, T. (2022). by Singularian2501
anyone who implies consciousness is metaphysical or something beyond observable science is just a bufoon.
Scientific_Thinking t1_is9e8e5 wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Fig903 in Scientists teach brain cells in a dish to play Pong, opening potential path to powerful AI by WikkaOne
totally agreed, bible is for losers.
Scientific_Thinking t1_irmbvja wrote
I'm a big fan of stability AI as this point. Giving access to the public is such a huge gift!
Scientific_Thinking t1_iqv8dws wrote
Reply to Large Language Models Can Self-improve by Dr_Singularity
exciting news boys and girls! we're getting there! time to designate a robot bible and start worshiping our new overlords!
Scientific_Thinking t1_ixh4m5a wrote
Reply to what does this sub think of Elon Musk by [deleted]
If Elon did not exist, the next person in line would easily replace him. Technological progress is done by a civilization, not an individual.