
ScottishCalvin t1_iz7mgzd wrote

I'd be more inclined to recommend places with questionable food hygiene, especially if it's delivery and the actual kitchen is a someone's basement. They get ill and hopefully the place is forced to change after a health inspection

Or somewhere decent but super expensive that they might rock up at before realizing that they're going to have to shell out $300+ for a meal for two when they expected $120

Or somewhere that's still demanding you wear masks and show vax cards so either some of their party (or their date) can't go and the night is spoiled, or they have to spend 2 hours faffing around with pieces of cloth


ScottishCalvin t1_ixlutk1 wrote

No, just that this is an issue where I doubt there's anyone who would oppose it, such is the unifying unpopularity of jackasses parking 3 or 4 vehicles outside their apartment

'except' implying I'm pro-government when it comes to stuff I *do* like? Nope, I'd disband most of the government with the exception of schools and even then I'd scrap all the federal level stuff.


ScottishCalvin t1_ivr3cxo wrote

This is why it's well worth spending hundreds of dollars on things that insulate your home like thick curtains, loft insulation or the shrink-film kits for your windows. Even just a collection of really nice woolen sweaters so you can actually enjoy wearing some extra layers. A $500 outlay is 5 months if your bill jumps something crazy, that's one winter and the following years it's money you're saving.


ScottishCalvin t1_it0v0k4 wrote

  • Buy a guitar at a pawn shop and learn to actually play it
  • Read a proper book like a Shakespeare play or War & Peace
  • Use a 30d trial educational subscription to get a new skill up to expert level
  • Write a book/Screenplay
  • Start walking 10-15 miles per day and drop 30lb

ScottishCalvin t1_isddodz wrote

Septa's job is to run without making a loss. Good luck with that.

Subways are insanely expensive, requiring vast public subsidy. Most of the old public transit systems were built by private companies that went bankrupt when the profits didn't match the expectations

Any new subway line is going to be build off the business case that a huge wedge of public money will a financially viable investment due to increased tax revenue from the development it will encourage. I'm sure a Roosevelt Subway would make your life easier, but development is happening anyway, so the money would be better spent elsewhere.

An example of something that *might* make sense is a trolley from Fishtown to the Stadiums. $40bn in new waterfront development, apartments and commerce, all paying taxes to a city that issued the bonds to pay for it


ScottishCalvin t1_iqp1u8g wrote

Reply to From below. by tgalen

That's pretty cool, although I'd love to see it done with a super fish-eye lens so that the sky:building ratio was equal. Would make a pretty cool painting though.