
Screaming_brain t1_itzuj31 wrote

Reply to comment by Loud_Caregiver_4213 in Governor Ned Lamont by TyFox53

They don't have to do it directly. They infiltrate and spread anti democratic propaganda on conservative websites and social networks. Ned is a Democrat.

That make sense now? It's not hard to figure out of you actually pay attention use a few more brain cells. Maybe you should spend less time in the conspiracy sub

OP is either a Russian troll or spreading Russian troll propaganda.


Screaming_brain t1_ityeufr wrote

We really need minimum karma to post here. It's so sad I ALMOST feel sorry for OP. It's pathetic really how hard the Russian trolls are trying


Screaming_brain t1_itrw9fh wrote

The lie is he won't, and in all likelihood can't eliminate PURA. This is what happens where you deregulate to "open the state to competition". FYI, the lie started in 1998 under Rowland when electricity was high.,to%20choose%20their%20electric%20suppliers.&text=The%20act%20allowed%20consumers%20in,as%20of%20July%201%2C%202000.


Screaming_brain t1_it2sgjf wrote

I didn't agree with his politics, bit he earned a little of my respect when he shut down an old woman who called Obama a Muslim. But when he went to the vote to repeal the ACA, voted "no" and gave a thumbs down to McConnell was the cherry on top.

For those who don't remember. It's wonderful watching that dickbags smug smirk disappear.