Honestly, I broke my Android phone and Verizon offered me $800 trade in value on an iPhone 14 pro. The contract was only a bit more per month than my T-Mobile account, so I switched.
Coming from someone who hasn’t used an Apple product since the iPod touch 2g, there’s a bunch that I really like, but the way iOS handles notifications is really annoying.
SemiKindaFunctional t1_j5use3y wrote
Reply to What made you decide to get a iPhone over the other options? by ComprehensiveFail628
Honestly, I broke my Android phone and Verizon offered me $800 trade in value on an iPhone 14 pro. The contract was only a bit more per month than my T-Mobile account, so I switched.
Coming from someone who hasn’t used an Apple product since the iPod touch 2g, there’s a bunch that I really like, but the way iOS handles notifications is really annoying.