
Sh4un4p0l0g1st t1_j6np0ed wrote

'Some NSFWish Language'

You heard about that teacher with the heart thing, right? Y'know, the guy who teaches math? Ruben or Nuben, something like that.

Welllllll, you might not wanna look at me until he magically recovers unless you want to do a die. I can sort of kill people with a single look. Kinda.

It was difficult, at first. I can remember the first few years after I discovered my ability. I was at school when it first happened, 4th or 5th grade. We used to have these big meetings in the cafeteria where everyone would collect and sit down. It was sort of a makeshift auditorium, there was a stage built in and everything. We used to go there for special stuff, like when these guys who were a group known for their skills at jumprope would perform for us. I think my personal favorite was when they dressed up as skeletons for Halloween and danced/jumped to Thriller.

Ah, sorry! I'm getting off track. Anyway, pretty much everyone was gathering there. It was almost 8 and that was when it all got started. I was finishing up in the bathroom- I have an abnormally small bladder- when a girl walked out of one of the stalls. I turned my head towards her and she dropped dead. Dead as a GOD damn doorknob.

I don't know how long I stood there- well, technically I know it must've been at least under 10 minutes. I'm pretty sure at least, accounting for the time I left and the clock I saw when I was being led away. It's funny, I was freaking the fuck out at the time, but I was still cognizant enough to read the clock. The mind works in mysterious ways, especially mine.

Did you know she was riddled with bullet holes? Yeah, apparently my power means the poor person I 'choose' suffers the same fate the would-be corpses would. And when I say corpses, I MEAN corpses.

Don't make me open my eyes when we're driving somewhere. I'm barely keeping my therapist to sending me to the looney bin as it is.

You know I have autism, right? Pretty well known fact, that's how I got into the magical land of our special needs school. Before all the OCD, BPD, ADD- seriously, apparently God decided I had to get D somehow since I'm a lesbian- it was well known I had autism.

It helped that my mom would announce it to EEEEEEEEVERYOOOONEEE who even came up to TALK with us.

Anyway, autism. Yes. That is a thing. As you know, something that is well known among even the most hard-core 'healers' is that we don't like making eye contact. At all. It's just- just no. It's bad, it's gross and we said no! Why is everyone so hung up on eye contact, anyway?! It's like- 'Honey, you need to look people in the eyes' and immediately afterwards 'Honey, it's not nice to stare at people.' Like, am I supposed to look or not?! Make up your mind, dude!!!!

Sorry, I'm getting off topic again. I swear to god I'm horrible at writing something important, but when it comes to doing something as STUUUUPIIID as this, I go whole hog into it. I mean, I know killing people with a single glance so I save others sounds important, but you get used to it after awhile.

Yup, I'm the grimdark version of The Grim Reaper. I am the opposite of him. I can save people who are about to die by killing the first person I make eye contact with. I have no idea when it's about to happen, too. I'll just be walking around the mall or store and someone will just drop dead. I've thought about wearing sunglasses, but those don't really work and it makes my eyes hurt. The glasses I have on now are already getting worn down as it is. My mom is having to jump through SO many hoops to find any doctors that'll take Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Basically, don't look at me until he heals. Or in general, actually. In fact, we might as well break two birds with one stone. Tell me about anyone you don't like/bullies you and they'll be my go to sacrificial lamb! I can make/buy things for them so they'll stand out! They probably won't die because it only hurts innocent people, but hey! Sometimes it has worked! I'll be glaring at a teacher or a student and POMF! They're dead! It's sort of a gamble, but it's not like anyone will suspect anything, right? I mean, who's going to question the poor little autistic kid who has no idea what's going on? Of course we'd stare at the dead body. It's a little weird we would, but we just don't understand. Why would we talk about it, we barely talk at all as it is.

It's a GENIUS strategy. I effectively choose who lives and dies. Sure, I break a few eggs from time to time, but omelets. Omelets and eggs, y'know? So that's why I suggest you don't look at me. It's simply not safe. I don't want you to die. Our guidance counselor, though?

Hopefully they'll hire a better one this time.