ShenmeNamaeSollich t1_j7qfead wrote
Reply to comment by SannyP in The secret Saudi plan to buy the World Cup by nolesfan2011
We’re overdue for another Jesse Owens moment. In this case, maybe an atheist lesbian who, I dunno, drives a car or leaves home w/o a male escort, or something craaaazy like that. … Fuck Saudi Arabia.
ShenmeNamaeSollich t1_j2taavl wrote
Reply to comment by DarthBuzzard in Report Reveals Wave of New Features for Apple's Mixed-Reality Headset by DarthBuzzard
Except that one of those things has already failed repeatedly because nobody wants to use the devices (except a minority for porn & gaming).
It wasn’t customers who said PCs & smartphones & the internet would fail - it was the entrenched business interests that didn’t get it. That’s not the case here.
Customers have been saying “nah” to this concept since Lawnmower Man; since the Oculus roller coaster demo made them throw up; since Google Glass failed spectacularly; since Meta’s nonsense flushed billions down the toilet.
They aren’t “visionaries” - they’re dilettantes with huge egos and way too much money to burn.
Everyone told these same “visionaries” that “smart speakers” were stupid & creepy too, and what happened? After billions wasted on marketing hype all the research recently concluded that yup, the market was right & nobody wants them either! They’re useless baubles.
AR has some potential w/HUDs & interaction with the real world … VR Meta Ready Player One BS like what’s shown in this mockup will never happen until climate change or war renders life on earth’s surface impossible.
ShenmeNamaeSollich t1_j2t5kif wrote
“VR/AR is soooo fetch!”
~ Every fucking idiot who keeps trying to make it a thing
ShenmeNamaeSollich t1_ixqw4jk wrote
Reply to World Cup 2022: Japan's fans clean up stadium after win over Germany by the-odourless-fungi
Pretty sure they do this after every game & have for years. Would be nice if everyone else attending weren’t selfish slovenly assholes …
ShenmeNamaeSollich t1_iu5rw9b wrote
Reply to comment by JamesBond-007-- in Leftist challenger Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's lead over far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro has widened slightly three days from Brazil's polarizing presidential runoff election, according to a poll published Thursday. Lula has 53 percent voter support to 47 percent for Bolsonaro by DoremusJessup
Always funny to hear the media talk about this “Bolsonaro was an Army Captain so the military supports him …”
He was in for ~15yrs and didn’t make it beyond Company Grade Officer. He never had any serious responsibility and was effectively booted out for insubordination and a potential terrorist plot! Dude was a shit officer and an alleged traitor.
He’s a useful idiot and a puppet for other hardline right-wingers. Not some beloved military hero.
ShenmeNamaeSollich t1_itodcg6 wrote
Was very confused by “Baton Rouge” thinking this lady had already left the bench for abusing power. Turns out that was a different corrupt old white lady family court judge from Tennesee who looks quite similar …
ShenmeNamaeSollich t1_itedz9f wrote
Reply to comment by DontGetNEBigIdeas in It Still Stings: Quantum Leap's Title Card Typo and the Series Finale that Never Made It Home by SanderSo47
It’s more a “continuation” that picks up decades later w/scientists continuing Sam’s research.
ShenmeNamaeSollich t1_jdvm9qq wrote
Reply to comment by iPeculiarly in Big Tech is making its stuff slower and stupider — on purpose by treetyoselfcarol
Fox News lawyers literally claimed “no reasonable person” should take Tucker Carlson as news, and won their case because the judge agreed his reputation as a lying exaggerating shithead should be enough for people to realize he’s a lying shithead. But that judge clearly overestimated the intelligence of Fox News’ audience.
Also, apparently legal precedent now says as long as you’re such a huge bloviating piece of shit that everyone “reasonable” knows you as such, you can get away with lying on air to millions of people, so they’re not going to stop - they now have a clear incentive to be even worse and keep pushing boundaries that appeal to the dumbest & least reasonable people out there.