
Shuizid t1_j26d9r5 wrote

Seeing how Musk can stay away from Tesla for like two months or how he lied to investors about solarcity or how this crypto dude was playing league of legends during a business meeting where he promised insane nonsense - my trust in "hard working" CEO and investors is somewhat diminished.


Shuizid t1_iwia03i wrote

Depending on what you do - writing it down can be a first step. This way you can streamline it after you put in everything.

Generally it's a hard thing because different topics and audiences have different requirements. With experts you can talk differently and talk less straightforward because they know what to expect and how things work.

Personally I spent like a decade in a debating society and had to learn to somewhat order my thoughts. Having a rough outline on what you want to say is already extremly helpful. Sorta making out important things in a specific order you want to cover. Things you want to skip over. Thinking if you want to have some arc in the story if you want to tell events exactly as they happened...

There are a bunch of ways, but in the end the core idea is the same: know everything you want to say BEFORE you start. Either in your head, or with some notes - can be just words, can be short sentences, can be a graph/mindmap. Either way, ordering thoughts needs you to "grab" them first. Maybe later on it will become more automatic, but that takes practice.


Shuizid t1_iu1ft8f wrote

Intelligence helps dominate - but my assumption is that evolution will fill any niche of available resources. While intelligent organisms consume more per individual, they also replace a lot of smaller organisms who could have done the same.

Thus entropy can only be increased faster, by increasing the available resources -> like digging up fossil fuels.

That said, given "entropy" is a pretty vague term and biology is just insanely complex, I aswell cannot definitivly say intelligence itself doesn't increase entropy. I wouldn't even know how to design a study, so I certainly cannot claim my assumption would be correct.


Shuizid t1_itr5jo0 wrote

I mean, we haven't really seen any other planet to begin with - apart from the solar system. We got a few glimpses of planets and some idea on how they might look and behave. But that's like looking at a single grain of sand and making predictions about every coast in the world times a trillion - and that's propably a massive understatement for our galaxy alone.