TIL that following their execution (by beheading) for treason, the heads of Baron Saye and his son-in-law were unceremoniously impaled on pikes by a mob and pushed together so that they appeared to kiss. en.wikipedia.org Submitted by SilasMarner77 t3_xxyc0y on October 7, 2022 at 12:51 PM in todayilearned 61 comments 890
TIL that the construction of Fort Boyard took so long that by the time of completion it was largely obsolete. Years later it found new purpose as a filming location for game shows. en.wikipedia.org Submitted by SilasMarner77 t3_xvfhxd on October 4, 2022 at 1:44 PM in todayilearned 29 comments 372
Leonardo DiCaprio's widow has yet to be born. Submitted by SilasMarner77 t3_yhi2a7 on October 30, 2022 at 4:09 PM in Showerthoughts 32 comments 1,056