TIL: The Chamblee Incident. In 1989, Kenneth Lamar Noid, a mentally ill man who believed that the Domino's Pizza "Avoid the Noid" ads were personally directed towards him, antagonizing him. He took 2 Domino's employees hostage at gunpoint.
wikipedia.orgSubmitted by SilentWalrus92 t3_1134rvk in todayilearned
SilentWalrus92 OP t1_j8o5om8 wrote
Reply to comment by ruiner8850 in TIL: The Chamblee Incident. In 1989, Kenneth Lamar Noid, a mentally ill man who believed that the Domino's Pizza "Avoid the Noid" ads were personally directed towards him, antagonizing him. He took 2 Domino's employees hostage at gunpoint. by SilentWalrus92
The Noid is back as of 2021