Sinapine t1_j0jdi75 wrote
Reply to Researchers investigated the citation frequency of retracted scientific papers in science. They found that the retraction of papers only has a limited effect on citation (decreases citation frequency by ~60%) compared to non-retracted papers. Thus, retracted papers often live on. by Alysdexic
I typically don't keep studies that have been retracted when I find them. But I have thousands of papers in my citation manager at this point, and I don't go back to the website to see if it's been corrected or retracted when I cite it in a new manuscript. I think it would be a good addition for citation managers to be able to do a correction/retraction check on your library based on doi. They can already fill their own metadata this way with decent accuracy so I would imagine this wouldn't be too difficult to implement.
Sinapine t1_ir1zhcx wrote
Reply to I've heard some people say that as more and more people leave religion and become atheist, the murder and suicide rates have gone up. Is this true? by Mad_Season_1994
No, homicide rates in the US are lower now than they were 40 years ago and we're the least religious we've ever been as a population. Dennis Prager and his affiliates are known alt right grifters and push very obvious agendas in their content, especially around Christian nationalism, nuclear family, sexuality, and roles of men and women. If you must watch it, I'd take everything with a grain of salt and compare their claims to the claims of people who do not have overt political biases and rhetorical goals.
Sinapine t1_j0jsoc6 wrote
Reply to comment by Hypernova1912 in Researchers investigated the citation frequency of retracted scientific papers in science. They found that the retraction of papers only has a limited effect on citation (decreases citation frequency by ~60%) compared to non-retracted papers. Thus, retracted papers often live on. by Alysdexic
Hopefully endnote will get something similar. I'll always use whatever my employer gets a group license for and it seems that most places use endnote.