
Siosal01 t1_jea631y wrote

I've recently moved from Android to iOS and I really miss fingerprint scanning. That said, while I was asked by my phone whether I wanted to setup faceId with a mask on as well as an alternate appearance (supposedly for people who wear glasses etc.), my faceId recognises me with a beard, with glasses, sunglasses and even wearing a hat.

So while it's a little annoying having to crane my neck in order for the camera see me, it's actually really, really good.


Siosal01 t1_je0emo4 wrote

A lot of my experience, and the experience of certain online creators is that Apple create the idea that their devices are "premium" and Android is more or less for "peasants".

My teenage daughter was incessantly berated for having an Android (specifically Samsung in this case) by her iPhone wielding peer group. Even at work when I brought up the idea of moving to iPhone after 13 years on Android, it was the Apple users telling me how wrong I was for "waiting so long" and now I would finally "understand how amazing Apple is".

I am aware that in the USA where WhatsApp is not used as much, Apple make text messages from Android phones painful to read which causes a lot of tension between the groups.

I'm not saying that it doesn't work the other way round, just that there is precedent. Now that I'm using an iPhone I really don't get the fervor around them. A phone is a phone at the end of the day and I don't really care.

But there are no innocent sides in fan wars.