Bwhahahaha...we had that same micro in our platoon room. Imagine testosterone hopped up 18 year old airborne infantry grunts doing God knows what with that thing and it was literally BOMB proof. This pic made me laugh hard and brought back some nostalgia fo sho!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤘
Skookum_Smoke t1_is3i3cq wrote
Reply to My mom's 34 year old microwave from 1988 by jimbodeako
Bwhahahaha...we had that same micro in our platoon room. Imagine testosterone hopped up 18 year old airborne infantry grunts doing God knows what with that thing and it was literally BOMB proof. This pic made me laugh hard and brought back some nostalgia fo sho!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤘