
SloppyMeathole t1_j57lv2n wrote

I totally agree. I actually quit on another book by that author because I couldn't get into it. Anathem is really slow for the first couple hundred pages and I can see a lot of people dropping out. But fortunately the payoff is really good and worth it in the end. I actually picked up the paperback version the other day and just read 20 random pages from near the end of the book. It is truly an excellent novel.


SloppyMeathole t1_j56pawp wrote

They also had something similar to this in the book an Anathem by Neil Stephenson. But instead, the concept was used by an invading force who could just grab random things and chuck at things at Earth to destroy targets. With tons of kinetic energy, you don't need anything sophisticated to deal a shit ton of damage. Really good book, btw.