Smacpats111111 t1_iw9y49z wrote
Reply to comment by lomeintenance116 in Worst Highway in NJ by TheMateoAndre
The most frustrating thing about 24 is that both ends have the same problem, which is that the amount of lanes suddenly drops as the road ends, and in both cases it would be trivially easy to fix. 24e->78e you have 3 lanes that suddenly drop to 2. 24w->287n you have 3 lanes that suddenly drops to 1.
The 24e->78e spot causes a multi mile long traffic jam every day for several hours. They literally could make it 3 lanes by changing where the paint is on a quarter mile stretch of the road. Seriously, go look at it on google maps. The road is ALREADY WIDE ENOUGH that they could add a third lane by just painting it on there. Wtf.
As bad as that spot is, the 24w->287n merge has been a problem for literally 30 years. Most of that ramp is also wide enough to be 2 lanes on its own and the rest of the ramp is surrounded by forest.
Smacpats111111 t1_iw8ga5a wrote
Reply to Worst Highway in NJ by TheMateoAndre
22, from Mountainside to the airport. Terrifying.
22/202/206 interchange (Somerville Circle).
24w->287n, the actual bane of my existence.
Pulaski Skyway.
287/17/87 in Mahwah. People there drive like morons. Almost died there once.
Smacpats111111 t1_iw8e7kk wrote
Reply to comment by ilikeduckconfit in Worst Highway in NJ by TheMateoAndre
287 is fine albeit crowded, it's the 24w->287n ramp that is a crime against humanity
Smacpats111111 t1_iw8dsij wrote
Reply to comment by jayc428 in Worst Highway in NJ by TheMateoAndre
>west bound end of 24 getting onto 287 north
This section of roadway was actually how I first learned that the government does not actually care about fixing our problems. Might be the most frustrating section of roadway in the country and it's been that way every weekday for the last 30 years. The worst part is that it would be trivial to add another lane, there's literally room to do it. The officials who have neglected that section for this long should go to jail.
Submitted by Smacpats111111 t3_ynxm9d in newjersey
Smacpats111111 t1_iuj0qnx wrote
Reply to comment by Confident_Web3368 in Why NJ should follow California’s lead on 100% EV sales by 2035: "Innovation is not just important in technology, it’s also important for governmental processes" by rollotomasi07071
Yup, so 2040s or 2050s we should be good to go.
Smacpats111111 t1_iugodi1 wrote
Reply to Why is NJ known to have fast drivers? by paulmegranates
NJ you have 55-65 mph speed limits on narrow curvy roads, and people are pushing 85-90 pretty regularly, occasionally you see 100+. Somewhere like Kansas you have 75mph speed limits on empty interstates, where 85-90 is just not that fast.
Smacpats111111 OP t1_iu7478n wrote
Reply to comment by bushpotatoe in Homeless man builds a mini house on Hollywood Blvd by Smacpats111111
In the full video of the interview with him, he explains that while the city will get him housing if he asks for it, he prefers this over the mini-homes offered by the city, since he views the city's housing as controlling and oppressive.
Submitted by Smacpats111111 t3_yg1xkl in nottheonion
Smacpats111111 t1_iu1fl9k wrote
Reply to comment by doctafknjay in LPT - If theres a sudden roadblock on a highway or a traffic jam and you have to stop, always keep a lot of distance in front of you so you dont get pancaked if someone behind you doesn't notice the block. by zapdado2002
78 in NJ is a similar principle. You give a car length in front of you and someone will take it. What’s yours is mine.
Smacpats111111 t1_iu1egxp wrote
Reply to comment by EmperorPenguinNJ in LPT - If theres a sudden roadblock on a highway or a traffic jam and you have to stop, always keep a lot of distance in front of you so you dont get pancaked if someone behind you doesn't notice the block. by zapdado2002
Because you’re in the road. When I see a guy flip on his hazards in traffic, I’m probably thinking that something broke and he’s pulling over, or something else is wrong. My first instinct isn’t “oh he’s announcing he’s braking” because brake lights already announce that.
Smacpats111111 t1_iu01jw9 wrote
Reply to comment by ILikeLamas678 in LPT - If theres a sudden roadblock on a highway or a traffic jam and you have to stop, always keep a lot of distance in front of you so you dont get pancaked if someone behind you doesn't notice the block. by zapdado2002
Hazard lights can indicate a variety of things (and basically never indicate "we're stopping now"), brake lights automatically indicate "we're stopping now". You do not want to distract people from the brake lights. People are trained to hit the brakes when they see red, you do not want to confuse them by adding more flashing lights. If you want to get people's attention, pump the brakes. Please never use the hazards to indicate that traffic is slowing down.
Smacpats111111 t1_iu01at2 wrote
Reply to comment by 5zalot in LPT - If theres a sudden roadblock on a highway or a traffic jam and you have to stop, always keep a lot of distance in front of you so you dont get pancaked if someone behind you doesn't notice the block. by zapdado2002
Any "rules" about following distance are impractical and honestly not very useful. Follow at a distance where you can stop if you need to. Lots of things effect this, such as speed, road conditions, how awake you are, how far ahead you're looking, etc. There's no magic rule for how far you should follow.
If I'm on I-91 in rural Vermont in a snowstorm at 11pm, I'm leaving 50 car lengths between me and the guy in front of me. If I'm on I-78 in suburban NJ and high on caffeine and have a bunch of people trying to cut into my lane right in front of me, I'm following at less than 5 car lengths. It's situational.
Smacpats111111 t1_itn11cj wrote
Probably 4 points. Is the ticket for "speeding 15-30mph over the limit"?
Smacpats111111 t1_it0k1kp wrote
Reply to I've had this idea for a while... it is socio-cultural N/C/S, not geographic by TheseMenArePawns
I’ve noticed this too. Areas within 5-10 miles of the Turnpike vote blue. The others mostly vote red.
Smacpats111111 t1_iswbt9t wrote
Reply to comment by ianisms10 in Stop fighting! Can't you see you're tearing us apart? by TheFuzziestDumpling
Exactly. Jersey is a piece of trash but it's our piece of trash, if I hear anyone else calling it a piece of trash, I'm gonna put them in the damn trash..
Smacpats111111 t1_isqjxg0 wrote
I like the PATH a lot (and it seems more reliable than POS NJtransit) but it's a lot worse when you have to connect trains. Check about driving further into Jersey City to catch a train, or NJTransit.
Smacpats111111 t1_iqs8903 wrote
Reply to comment by no483828 in Love how the map maker carved out NJ to keep us safe. by facktoetum
> If Canada had New York's climate and accessibility to the shore
The climate part already exists in the Okanagan already and climate+shore are basically the same on Vancouver Island.
Smacpats111111 t1_iqs7fap wrote
Contrary to popular belief, way more Canadians immigrate to the US than the other way around, mostly because Canadians tend to take home a lot less money. So yeah, solid no from me.
Smacpats111111 t1_iwixnvc wrote
Reply to comment by werdnak84 in It's official the Notch is closed. by JerryKook
Notch always has closed for the winter