SmokeysDrunkAlt t1_j2to7mf wrote
Reply to comment by Flatline2962 in Florida sheriff: Burglars call 911 to get help moving stuff by dragonbits
Just counter by finishing the sentence: Make America Florida Man. Once you can't say one without hearing the other, we've won.
SmokeysDrunkAlt t1_iujv6e3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in High school football coach who led prayers on the field will get his job back by Radi0ActivSquid
The only problem I would have with it is using the field in such a way that it could be perceived as school sponsored. So anything that could be seen as attempting to gain an audience for his beliefs, then the school has a right to be concerned. If he's just praying for his beliefs and offering players to join without wanting to make a big deal out of it, then I personally see that as acceptable. I really don't know one way another about the context to know which is the case here though.
SmokeysDrunkAlt t1_iujq9bd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in High school football coach who led prayers on the field will get his job back by Radi0ActivSquid
I got curious, and the best I could find was this USA Today article since it included the most details. Seems to be a he said/she said situation at least in the forced to pray part. I'll highlight the important parts from the article below.
On the school's side:
>They said they heard from players' parents who were concerned their children felt compelled by peer pressure to participate.
On the coach's side:
>He said he never asked and pressured anyone else to pray with him.
I could see it go either way unless there is more information from parent/player testimonies to tell us just how voluntary or pressured the sessions were.
SmokeysDrunkAlt t1_iqrl15i wrote
Reply to comment by sucaji in Shocked by gas bills, thrifty Dutch stockpile coal, wood for winter by clampie
I was thinking specifically in terms of gas shortages, but I'm not familiar enough with the power grid to know if and how much gas would be used in generating the electricity to know if that would be counter productive or not.
SmokeysDrunkAlt t1_iqr2yoc wrote
As we are in a state of an emergency with gas shortages and what not, we should require all jobs that can operate remotely stay remote. Just saying. It's for national security afterall.
SmokeysDrunkAlt t1_j2tz7lc wrote
Reply to comment by Anonymous7056 in Florida sheriff: Burglars call 911 to get help moving stuff by dragonbits
I agree, but the Florida Man part is too familiar of a phrase and sounds too close to Great Again that you can't unhear it with enough popularity. Shit phase all together, but easier to parrot.