
SnazzyCitrus t1_j25bwsk wrote

My mother hated that my dad (child of divorce here) let me watch Leprechaun at a young age or my sister letting me watch Freddy Kruger flicks. Then Saving Private Ryan came out and she was like..."Alright you think you can handle trashy gory horror huh. Come on." We went and I was eight years old and my mind was absolutely blown and horrified.

I think it backfired on her though because I just developed an obsession with WWII and movies. But me being able to stomach it lead to her showing me Shindler's List as well as other insightful flicks as a young kid and we still go as often as we can today. I was mature for my age at the time so I assume this wouldn't work in a lot of cases for kids but it helped me develop and enlighten me a bit on the world and history. Dad still let me see the naked lady in Water World too though so win win.

So sorry for your loss and I'm glad cinema and storytelling has helped you and so many people deepen their bond with family and friends. Some of my best memories are of the energy everyone has while discussing/arguing with folks when walking out of a theater. It's one of my favorite feelings in the world.