
SnowdriftsOnLakes t1_jegwomi wrote

A few years ago I was reading a historical fiction novel set in the 17th century on my way to work. During a particularly evocative chapter describing a rat infected with the bubonic plague arriving at the city, I raise my eyes from the book and glance out of the bus window... just to see a freaking rat run across the street. I don't think I've even seen a rat in my city till then, though I knew there were some.

Even more chilling? The book I was reading was set in the same city I was at.


SnowdriftsOnLakes t1_jdbofwb wrote

I like gifting people books, but it's hard, too. Most of my friends love reading, but all of us have wildly different tastes. So it's always a struggle to pick something I think they would enjoy. It's hardest with a friend who mostly reads classics, because I often have no idea whether she's read a particular one or not. With others, I tend to go for more recent publications to maximize the chances they won't have read it yet.