Snufflarious t1_iu9p63t wrote
Reply to comment by onehundredpetunias in Are there any bakeries that sell hermit cookies? by jimmynoarms
I like their healthy hermits full of seeds
Snufflarious t1_iu5c64x wrote
Reply to comment by TouchDownBurrito in A political ad cries foul about ‘books with sex acts.’ The TV station running it added a disclaimer. - The Boston Globe by TouchDownBurrito
Never heard of her before I saw the disclaimer and the ad, so at least she has no $$$ and no PR
Snufflarious t1_it4v83f wrote
Reply to Life’s a bitch and then you. . . by COCKBALLS
Die broke and can’t afford engraving
Snufflarious t1_isvwl9a wrote
Reply to spotted near Chicago by knighthawk0811
Do we want the cops to pull them over or is that asking for trouble
Snufflarious t1_iujujg5 wrote
Reply to Family pumpkin carving contest!! Happy Halloween by ExpensiveStar
🔚this one